Letter to Parents: Survey Follow Up

Dear Families,

I hope this communication finds you well, and eager to begin a new, albeit unique, school year.

The intent of this email is to follow up with those of you who have already emailed me regarding the survey that was sent to all SD 48 families last week, asking about your return to school intentions for your child.

Please know that we are reading all emails you have sent to myself or the office that contain your choice of options for your child’s return to school, so no need to email me again. We are adding your requests to our survey results.

Please watch for an invitation from Ms. Kirk to attend a Zoom meeting, which may help you feel more informed about school start up plans for the first two days of school next week, and more details about the quadmester, learning groups and safety guidelines for us all.

Staff and admin are currently engaged in professional learning sessions this week, and in full day training sessions on September 8 and 9. WSS is a busy campus right now, preparing for a safe and successful return to learning for our students.

Please be patient with us as we navigate towards  school start up. If you require updates related to COVID Exposure Safety Plans, please refer to the document Ms Kirk sent out last week, that is also posted on our school website. The SD 48 District Site also has a range of information and resources for families. As details emerge, we will update our WSS website, in addition to sending out emails to all families.

Stay safe and we look forward to further communication with you and your child.

Kind regards,

Diane Hart

Vice Principal

Whistler Secondary School