Your WSS Parent Advisory Council (PAC) provides an excellent forum for parents to keep informed of what’s happening in our school, to provide feedback and to get involved in their students’ success. To reach the PAC, please contact [email protected]. Please note that PAC is not a forum to discuss individual student/staff problems or conflicts. If you have specific issues, please contact the WSS administration.


You can follow your WSS PAC on social media at:

Facebook: Whistler Secondary Pac

Instagram: wsspac




District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC) are recognized by the School Act and represent the collective views of school Parents’ Advisory Councils (PAC) in a school district. In School District No.48 (Sea to Sky), DPAC provides a vehicle of communication between individual school PACs, advocates for parental involvement in the education system, and provides funds to support parent education. The SD48 DPAC website has links to Executives, agendas and minutes.




PAC’s mission is to engage, empower and support staff, parents and caregivers to support student success through collaboration, partnership and education, and contribute to building a culture of mental health and wellness, equity and inclusion.





Members of the PAC Executive Committee, or Board, for the 2024-25 school year are:


Chair: Sarah McCullough ([email protected])

Vice Chair/Secretary: Jill Scott

Treasurer: Louis Joncas ([email protected])

Capital Projects: Shauna Hardy

School District 48 PAC Representative: Kevin Creery

Member at Large: James Griffiths

Member at Large: Paul Shore

Communications: VACANT

Events: VACANT

Hot Lunch/Vending Coordinator: Laurie Grant ([email protected])





All parents and caregivers are invited to attend PAC General Meetings. You do not need to be a volunteer to attend. No advance registration or RSVP is required. Attending PAC General Meetings is a great way to remain informed of what is happening at WSS, and to provide input to staff and administration. Please see below for a detailed list of meeting dates and Zoom links.


If you have questions about PAC General Meetings, wish to receive a copy of meeting agendas or minutes, or want to raise an issue with your PAC, please contact [email protected].



September 16, 2024 - 6:30pm

-September 16 Agenda

-September 16 Minutes


October 22, 2024 - 6:30

-PAC AGM Package

-PAC AGM Minutes


WSS PAC General Meeting – December 9 - 7:00 p.m.

- December 9 Agenda


WSS PAC General Meeting – February 19 - 7:00 p.m.

Zoom Link:


WSS PAC General Meeting – April 14 - 7:00 p.m.

Zoom Link:


WSS PAC General Meeting – June 9 - 7:00 p.m.

Zoom Link:




What is a PAC?
The School Act gives parents the right, through PACs, to assume an advisory role in every school. PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents of their school. A PAC, through its elected officers, may advise the school board, the principal and staff of the school respecting any matter relating to the school other than matters assigned to the School Planning Council (SPC). PACs are forums within each school community to discuss matters affecting your school and the education of your children. Parents’ voices are of tremendous value to their school. They offer a wealth of ideas and support in the challenges that face all public schools. PACs strive to represent the diversity within their communities and contribute to the benefit of all students by:

  • providing opportunities to educate and inform parents about the school;
  • involving parents in volunteer activities; and
  • openly discussing parents’ concerns and aspirations for their schools.

Who Can Become a Member of PAC?
All parents and guardians of students registered in the school are able to participate as a member of the PAC.

What Governs PAC?
As an autonomous body, the PAC must abide by its Constitution and Bylaws and the School Act.

How Does PAC Work?
Through their elected executives from parents in the school, PACs communicate with their parent community gathering and discuss issues of importance regarding their school in order to adequately advise those that influence their school. In addition to PAC meetings communication may also be done through newsletters, telephone, email, and websites so that all parents have the opportunity for input. PACs, with strong participation from parents, have an important influence on life at the school and the feelings the community has toward the school and education. There is strong evidence that increased parent involvement in the school results in increased student achievement, accomplishment, satisfaction, and bonding all of which result in decreased dropout rates and better citizens.

The PAC Advises:

  • The board and the principal and staff of the school or the Provincial school respecting any matter relating to the school or the Provincial school, other than matters assigned to the school planning council;
  • At the request of the SPC, the PAC will assist the SPC in carrying out its functions under this Act; and 
  • Advise their District Parents’ Advisory Council (DPAC), British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC), the Ministry of Education and any other organization, as they deem necessary.

The Purpose of a PAC Can Be:

  • To provide parents with the opportunity to gain greater understanding of the school;
  • To assist the SPC in carrying out its function;
  • To give input into school- based decisions;
  • To participate in goal setting;
  • To unify efforts of the school community towards the goal of quality education;
  • To monitor and review school rules and conduct, the safety programs, the educational programs; learning materials, equipment and the school building;
  • To educate parents;
  • To advocate equal educational opportunities for all students;
  • To liaise with other education partners and organizations; and
  • To provide methods to resolve problems between the school and community by directing parents and students to the Advocacy project.