Code of Conduct

Whistler Secondary School (WSS) Code of Conduct 

The WSS Code of Conduct is designed to provide guidelines for appropriate student behavior under the school's jurisdiction, while at any school-sponsored function or in the greater community during the school day. 

Students have a responsibility to respect the rights and dignity of others and to become actively involved in their own academic learning and social growth. 


Conduct Expectations 

Acceptable conduct is demonstrated by: 

  • respecting oneself, others and the school’s facility, resources, and grounds 
  • engaging in responsible behavior in all learning and school activities (attend all classes regularly, be seated in your seat by the second bell, be prepared for class, complete all assignments, and use good manners and good common sense – to the best of one’s abilities
  • modeling respectful and responsible behavior to their peers and younger students, in the community and while acting as school ambassadors 
  • Conducting oneself in a way which does not compromise the safety or well-being of others. 


Safe & Caring School Environments: 

Are Free From Acts Of 

  • bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, and marginalization 
  • threat and intimidation 
  • violence in any form 
  • abuse in any form 
  • discrimination in any form including race, color, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ancestry, or national origin 
  • retribution against a person who has reported incidents 


Do Not Tolerate the Presence Of 

  • plagiarism 
  • theft and vandalism 
  • intoxicating or banned substances 
  • weapons or replica weapons and explosives 
  • intruders or trespassers (All visitors to the school must first report to the office) 


Or Misuse Of 

  • Cyberspace/Cell Phones/Personal Digital Devices/Computers – students are to be aware that they may be subject to discipline (or, if applicable, confiscation of personal property) for misuse of technology if it negatively impacts the school environment.